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Outreach and Prevention Education

Part of OASIS’s mission is to provide outreach in order to make certain survivors, and family and friends of survivors know how to access our services. We want to make certain they know help is available.

OASIS provides Judicial System Advocacy to survivors who wish to have a staff person accompany her or him to court proceedings.  An OASIS advocate can also support survivors through the process of filing for a physical/sexual assault protective order, a 50C no-contact order, or to file criminal or civil charges.

Another part of our identified mission is to provide relevant and up-to-date prevention education for community members and partners, so we regularly provide programs and training for ASU clubs and classes; Caldwell classes; communities of faith; civic organizations; those in the medical community; local businesses and employers.

We believe as the community becomes more informed about the realities of domestic abuse and sexual violence we all get closer to solutions.