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LGBT Violence

LGBT Violence (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender)

Domestic violence is a serious issue in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) relationships. Abuse in LGBT relationships happens for the same reasons as in heterosexual relationships: to maintain control and power over one’s partner.  Domestic violence occurs in same-gender relationships at the same rate as heterosexual relationships (about 1 in 4).

As in heterosexual couples, the problem is extremely underreported. Because LGBT individuals face a society oppressive and hostile towards them, LGBT persons are often afraid of revealing their sexual orientation or the nature of their relationship in order to receive help. LGBT communities can be small, and abuse survivors may have to plan for running into her or his abuser at meetings or community events.  Conversely, survivors may not know others who are LGBT, meaning that leaving the relationship could result in total isolation.  OASIS understands the complexity of these issues and is prepared to assist LGBT survivors in making decisions about safety that will best serve the survivor.

Case Management Case management services are available for any survivor of physical or sexual violence. Case Management involves meeting with a staff person to help the survivor link with services in the community.  These services include housing, counseling, medical, and financial assistance referrals. Regardless of whether or not a survivor decides to leave the abusive relationship, she or he can still receive support through OASIS.

Shelter OASIS operates a 24-hour, free and confidential shelter available for women and their children who wish to escape an abusive home.  Male survivors can be sheltered but not in the same location.  Survivors who wish to speak with a staff person and/or learn more our shelter services can call to set up an appointment Monday through Friday.  A survivor in crisis can call our toll-free crisis line number listed on the left side of this page, or find it in the contact us section of the site.

Judicial System Advocacy  OASIS provides advocacy to survivors who wish to have a staff person accompany her or him to court proceedings.  An OASIS advocate can also support survivors through the process of filing for a physical/sexual assault protective order, a 50C no-contact order, or to file criminal or civil charges.

Medical Advocacy OASIS provides on-site accompaniment and emotional support for survivors seeking medical treatment as a result of physical or sexual assault.  An advocate can meet a survivor at the hospital at any time, day or night.

Support Group OASIS facilitates two evening support groups per month for women survivors of domestic violence and their children.  Contact us for more information about how to join.